“The greatest mystery of existence is existence itself.”
—Deepak Chopra
What amazes you by simply existing?
2 thoughts on “The Mystery of Existence”
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
-Carl Sagan
I rarely question my existence. I suppose that in that way I am selfish. Not feeling especially grateful for life itself, I do recognize all of the grand and exciting experiences I have been able to have so with out life itself, I couldn’t have had those opportunities. Even the losses that I’ve endured have come because of my existence. It seems natural to me to try to help others along the way as I can; I don’t experience the need to wonder about “who” or “what” is keeping count of my life. I own my life myself and live it the best way I can.
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
-Carl Sagan
I rarely question my existence. I suppose that in that way I am selfish. Not feeling especially grateful for life itself, I do recognize all of the grand and exciting experiences I have been able to have so with out life itself, I couldn’t have had those opportunities. Even the losses that I’ve endured have come because of my existence. It seems natural to me to try to help others along the way as I can; I don’t experience the need to wonder about “who” or “what” is keeping count of my life. I own my life myself and live it the best way I can.