
at-the-wall-pixabayOne way to belong is to dress alike, believe alike, look alike, worship alike. But even in the most homogeneous group no two stories are the same.

When have you felt disconnected from a group that appeared very much like you?

3 thoughts on “Alike”

  1. When I was in junior high, I didn’t fit in with other girls. I was baffled by them. It was like once we stopped playing with dolls, they lost me. Add to the mix my emerging bisexuality, my desires for girls, and it was a tough time for me. So I fell in with the boys, not one of them either, but at least we were all interested in Power Rangers. Now, 2+ decades later, I know I have Asperger’s, and not fitting in is sort of a way of life.

  2. At college. It was a prestigious institution and most of my dorm mates were New Englanders. I didn’t have the financial resources to join them shopping or dining out and working part-time didn’t improve my image. In addition I was the Hillel representative and they were virtually all Christian.

  3. During my early adult years, I was introduced to Unitarianism by a friend and joined that local group. After, as I moved from place to place, I was often surrounded by Protestant churches and friends. I liked the friends but was very uncomfortable going to services with them. Because of this, I avoided going and decided that I was truly a UUer and have always searched out connections to this group whenever I can. Happily I have been part of a local UU Fellowship here as a charter member for over 25 years.

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