2 thoughts on “Prayer Flags”

  1. Besides voting, it feels like the best I can do is pray. For this country to not succumb to hatred and division. For congress to do its job. For the best candidate to win.

  2. These Tibetan flags fluttering away remind me of my visit to Tibet some years ago. They were obvious everywhere; entering the Portala Palace was an experience I shall never forget. People were streaming in to a city Temple as well as into the Palace reciting murmuring words continually. These prayers were intended, I suppose, to express their cares as well as for the cares of the world. The sound of so many voices mumbling chants was overwhelming to me; I felt the combined sense of many people desiring the same thing. I have not been able to consider prayers together in the same way. Speaking rote prayers to a “something” is difficult for me to comprehend.

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