In the Quiet of Our Hearts

Prayer at Western WallPrayer is the most solitary of activities, arising from the quiet center of the heart. Prayer is also the most communal of activities, connecting us to that which binds all beings  together.

How does prayer connect you with yourself? How does it connect you with something larger than yourself?

One thought on “In the Quiet of Our Hearts”

  1. I’m not what is called (I suppose) a pray-er. As a maturing adult, I went through the phase of joining in with group prayers at Protestant churches. They rang hollow for me. Now, although I repeat the covenant we have chosen at our Unitarian Universalist fellowship as well as our reading as we finish the service, our only other joint activity that we participate in is a meditation period sometimes. When I have something heavy or joyous on my mind, I silently “talk to myself” and formulate thoughts that I hope influence me in a beneficent way with a desire that my actions will demonstrate these thoughts to others.

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