Where You Look

trees-past-windowIf you focus on the window itself, you lose sight of the trees beyond it. And if you focus on the trees you will probably miss the view of the sky.

What helps you to gain a perspective that goes beyond your daily concerns?

3 thoughts on “Where You Look”

  1. I regularly log onto an e-zine called “The Good News Network.” They only publish upbeat stories. This not only takes me beyond my personal concerns, but also beyond some of my “What’s this world coming to?” thoughts.

  2. To widen my perspective, I often spend time thinking of how my ancestral family lived, survived and had good and bad times. Even though I didn’t know very many of them personally, I have old photos and some notations that spark this interest of mine. Realizing that those who went before lived through their own times gives me hope to live through my allotted time too.

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