The Great Beyond

A photo by Teddy Kelley. have recently discovered that there are probably ten times as many galaxies in the universe as they had previously thought. Which means that our tiny lives belong to a web of existence that is ten times as incomprehensibly complex as we had imagined. But once you’re into the realm of the incomprehensible, it’s hard to tell.

What boggles your mind in a way that expands your heart and soul?

4 thoughts on “The Great Beyond”

  1. The Universe, as you say, does it for me–the incomprehensibly large. And yet, so far as we have yet been able to discover, earth is the only planet with life as we know it. (Though it is hard to believe there isn’t life elsewhere in a universe so large.) And at the other extreme, the incomprehensibly small; the fact that these functional bodies and brains of ours are such a complex mix of incomprehensibly large numbers of different kinds of cells, atoms and sub-atomic particles. Perfect reflection for this time. Thanks.

  2. What boggles me? I believe that the uniqueness of each human being is not understandable to me and perhaps I could say “sacred”. Even though we find similarities in twins, for instance or even within our acquaintances and friends, there is still the uniqueness of each person. I wonder if this is true with the entire mammal population. I suppose it is because I’ve read that scientists can and do trace one whale or one gorilla with its peculiar attributes. Even with our developing understanding of DNA relationships, we will always, I believe, be individuals in our own right even though clones begin to cohabit the planet with us (?)

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