
bud-416110_1920The time to open is coming, but it isn’t here yet. And until that time arrives a circle of thorns might just be the best way to remain safe.

How do you keep yourself safe while waiting for circumstances to change?

One thought on “Safe”

  1. I first look around quickly on all sides to see what may be impending, and then I usually try to return to my original site by walking as fast as I can. I’m sure there are alternatives to try to make oneself safe that I do not know about or have not used. Stories from friends on the East coast who endured WWII tell of training in schools to get under desks and cover or making sure at night that home shades were all firmly closed. Since I lived in the Midwest then, I never was exposed to that sense of danger. People in war torn countries right now are faced with “what to do” I know. May the killers understand what horrors they are performing.

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