In whatever language, the world is full of signs telling us to wait. Mostly these are literal signs telling us to hold in place until it’s our turn to cross the street. Mostly.
What signs have you gotten from the Universe that it isn’t yet time to move forward?
We wait…..until the signs from the universes of which we are a part add to our knowledge about what may be ahead. Ways we can recognize are there for us to learn as much as possible; let some of the advances be on hold until an accumulation of knowledge and our will to enact what needs to be done is there. I have this quirky habit (it makes sense to me but not to others who are with me when I do it) which is: when the red light at an intersection is red and I am a pedestrian waiting to cross, I WAIT until it changes to green. Others urge me to go: they say “There’s no traffic coming”. I say “Yes, but if there were, I use my example to demonstrate to any CHILDREN who are in other cars or walkways nearby that there could be. Why isn’t it right to demonstrate that there is a reason for red and green (as well as yellow) lights?