The Best Medicine

When we fall ill, whether from a simple cold or from a serious or long-term illness, it can feel like our body has betrayed us. And that feeling of betrayal may stop us from offering our ailing bodies the full range of care that could contribute to our well-being.

What is the best care that you have given to your body in a time of illness?

6 thoughts on “The Best Medicine”

  1. Forced down-time – whether it was going to be used for activities I wanted to participate in, or a job I did – or didn’t enjoy.

  2. Cancelling everything and letting myself rest. I might attend something that will make me happy, or realize that my body needs the rest more than it needs the happy thing. I’m saying this as a medication transition has me feeling crummy and while also fighting something that requires antibiotics (which mess up my tummy, adding to the crumminess). While I was typing this, the art museum called to tell me that my class is cancelled tonight due to weather. The sense of relief of not having to choose whether to go or not is profound.

    1. Giving myself permission to rest, actually all day today. I have not been able to do this without guilt in the past. I am very grateful, and I feel much better!

  3. I’ll join the remedy- thoughts- givers in deciding that rest is the best type of response to illness. Sometime I can practically sleep away a day or two! When I feel rested and almost refreshed, then I know that the bug is going out the door. When I was in the Peace Corps in Peru years ago my roommate ( A Christian Scientist) would disappear for several days into her bedroom, and after, come back as the usual lively Susie! I learned from her.

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