
What happens in our lives, and in the broader world that touches us, is held in our bodies. Stress accumulates in the neck, the back, the stomach, in systemic changes such as inflammation. We carry the world with us, sometimes in ways that are painful. Finding ways to constructively hold things in tension is always a challenge.

What tension are you currently experiencing?  What helps you to let it go?

One thought on “Tension”

  1. As I grow older, and the political environment grows more precarious, I wonder about what the quality of my life will be in the future. There are many reasons why , even with some financial backing in reserve, I can feel the tension of not feeling secure. I tell myself that “all will work out” but I’m not sure. Trying to live one day at a time, enjoy all that I can and laugh at unusual happenings as they come….that’s about what ammunition I have!

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