
 “Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.”
―James W. Frick

What does your checking account tell you about what matters to you?

One thought on “Priorities”

  1. Checking over my checking account tells me several things: (1) I don’t cope well with recording my expenditures since I use a combination of paper checks as well as a debit/credit card expenditures. It takes me extra effort to reconcile my account monthly (2) I find that, by perusal, I spend extra amounts on (stuff) which may be by whim or by opportunity to buy something “on sale” but which I find enjoyable since most is visual or innovative (3) I cover my monthly expenses and do not carry any charges over (4) and since I contribute to several charitable causes, I often think to myself “I should contribute to other causes, too, especially now, since the government support of those in need is more acute”.

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