Stunning plumes of spray happen when the ocean crashes up against a rocky shoreline. While coming to rest on a soft, sandy beach is a lot more pleasant, we are often at our most impressive when we run up against the hard places.
When has running up against a hard place brought out the best in you?
I believe that, as for many others, the first time I received the announcement by a doctor that “It is cancer” presented me with that almost unacceptable thought that he was saying that to me.
However, as with many others, I understood that it was imperative to take action since it was presented to me as an acceptable solution. After the lumpectomy surgery and during the radiation regimen I felt that if I could maintain a positive, hopeful attitude both publically and privately I should do so. It always takes bravery to respond to something that comes along which is a threat to one’s wellbeing. My ten year healthy follow up was once again in question recently but this time the report was “No cancer”. As research continues to resolve the issues, may others be able to hear this result, too.