Glacial Speed

We speak of things moving with glacial speed, the inch by inch pace of social change or changing a deeply-held habit. But while glaciers may not move rapidly, they reshape everything in their path as they go.

What slow process of change do you see in your life or the world around you?

One thought on “Glacial Speed”

  1. Glaciers move slowly but powerfully, as is mentioned. I live in an area in Missouri where evidence of where the glaciers centuries ago were located and we still see the effects in rocks and the lay of the land. I think that our rapid development of world wide communication is, and actually already has, changed our whole perception of what is out there and the power that its transmission has on our world. Some people are afraid of “globialization” but among others, there is the hope that a unifying effect will work for the opposite…our coming together peacefully.

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