You’ve Got Mail

This mailbox looks as if it’s been waiting for the mail to come for some time, with deliveries, perhaps, few and far between.

What have you waited and hoped for the longest?

3 thoughts on “You’ve Got Mail”

  1. As a trained artist, I have continually gone through periods of producing art but with hesitancy in displaying it to others to any great extent.. Most of the time I don’t experience a sense of its value and acceptance by others. However, if I look back carefully, I realize that many people who have seen my work have liked it as a gift, purchased some on their own and encouraged me to display it more widely. I am still waiting to get to that stage of self confidence.

  2. I’m waiting for an end to the constant severe headaches that I’ve had for over 5 years. I’m seeing a specialist, and soon will go to another for a second opinion. I don’t get my hopes up. I’ve been disappointed too many times.

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