A Different Shape

Certainly the wood that is carved was once part of a tree. Perhaps it was even part of a table or a chair before its current transformation. None of us stay the same shape forever. One name for how we claim our new shape is resilience.

How is your internal shape different than it once was?

One thought on “A Different Shape”

  1. My internal shape ? Well, looking in the mirror I can see that some of me is in the wrong places. Aging changes just because of what we ;put our bodies to use (or misuse). My arms appear to me to be skinny limbs now; however, the lower abdominal area has blossomed(!) I suppose I should include inner changes in my brain too; seems as though I am now looking back and often finding out what was the real reason that I was involved in something earlier in life. I rather like this process of change in myself. It answers some questions as well as providing room for posing new questions.

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