There’s no question that even a baby elephant is a very large animal. But they probably don’t feel big at all, dependent as they are on the enormous adults around them.
What part of your life feels vulnerable in spite of the fact that it looks impressive to the rest of the world?
Something rather confusing has recently surfaced in my life. I just celebrated my 90th birthday; I admitted it with pleasure but I am now often confronted with the comment that “I certainly don’t look that old! I look sixty or seventy”. Of course this is meant as a compliment but I truly feel that it may result from the way I have lived my life, as others my age have. I have not birthed or raised children; I have not had to live up to a married commitment nor was my childhood one that in which I had to overcome obstacles. Perhaps these reasons don’t seem to be relevant to them but to me there must be some answer. Is it Good Luck? Is it a genetic pool that I have had the good fortune to have come from? Is it because of the opportunities I have had in employment? None of these are answers that may serve. My feeble response is that “I may look younger on the outside but sometimes I feel a good bit older on the inside”. I’m not complaining, though!