“I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.
All seems beautiful to me.
Whoever denies me, it shall not trouble me;
Whoever accepts me, he or she shall be blessed, and shall bless me.”
―Walt Whitman
Who has blessed you by accepting you just as you are?
My dear friend Grace. Interestingly, we are of different political and religious persuasions, but she is my best, most generous and supportive friend.
My therapist. Period.
When I lived in south central Kansas, teaching art to elementary students in a small but cultured town, I became an acquaintance with Mella, one of the kindergarten teachers in a system of six elementary schools. As I traveled from school to school, consulting with teachers and enjoying the time with students, I realized that Mella was almost automatically thinking of me as her good friend. She was right! Even though she was from a background of semi rural ties, but educated to teach and with a great compassion for children, we established a friendship which was deep and valuable to each of us. Never did Mella show any signs of not accepting me as I was; I’m not sure I paid her the same favor, but together, we had some wonderful times together in Winfield as well as traveling to England for us to revisit with people and places during the time she was a Fulbright Scholar/Teacher for a year. I think I will remember Mella as my best friend ever.