So much of the time it feels like we are juggling, struggling to keep everything up in the air. There isn’t time or space to set everything down. But perhaps if we were able to stack things ever so carefully there could be a moment of breath, a moment of pure balance.
What helps you to find balance when things are hectic?
I sometimes open “The Book of Joy” or “The Secret” at random. Usually land on a page that I can apply to my current situation.
Since these have been emotional times, I have difficulty in remembering how I have reacted and since I’m relatively calm right now, sitting at the computer, I am trying to remember my reactions: I believe that my way of releasing the tension is for me to laugh out loud; to think of how silly this situation is; how funny it may appear to others; to realize that as my 103 year old friend used to say, “Honey, NOTHING lasts forever; neither the Good nor the Bad!”