
From our first moments out in the world, crying is something that comes naturally to us as human beings. But most of us have been taught to stifle our natural expressions of grief, holding the pain inside where no one else has to see it. Crying, however, is not a shame.

How do you express grief?

One thought on “Wailing”

  1. Sometimes the expression of grief comes as a surprise. I had a major family issue this past weekend where I had to stand up for myself firmly and strongly which meant closing some doors on loved ones. Then I went about my business thinking I should feel empowered. I felt pain, deep pain that I pushed aside and kept going about my business. Didn’t realize an empowering stance could also feel so awful. So one day at work I made a mistake. Nothing too major, no one was angry with me, but it needed to be pointed out. My reaction was to fall into a crumpled piles of sobs. That was the grief showing me who was boss. Once that passed I felt semi healed as I had not shed a tear prior. Grief always finds a way.

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