“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,” says the old saying applicable to many places where it is now spring. We are not ruled by climate, and can choose gentleness at every point in the year.
How can you practice gentleness today?
One thought on “Gentle”
Gentleness is a splendid option for our behavior – however – Mother Nature is increasingly recognized as a force we must reckon with. Climate is having a greater and greater impact on our lives regardless of political boundaries. Viewed as a lioness, she is defending her own ways with a vengeance – dramatic patterns, cycles, rhythms and temps. Threatened, she is not going quietly into the night.
Gentleness is a splendid option for our behavior – however – Mother Nature is increasingly recognized as a force we must reckon with. Climate is having a greater and greater impact on our lives regardless of political boundaries. Viewed as a lioness, she is defending her own ways with a vengeance – dramatic patterns, cycles, rhythms and temps. Threatened, she is not going quietly into the night.