
The darkness and closeness to ancestors that this time of year and its rituals bring has always felt like a relationship with mystery to me.

Spend some time in healing darkness today.

One thought on “Darkness”

  1. You know, that description of this time of year explains why I don’t like all the focus on cheer and bright, loud things. My soul wants to rest in the darkness and continue the practices of Samhain and revere and commune with the spirit world and ancestors. All the cheeriness and gathering with lots of people just isn’t where I’ve ever been at. I’ve despised this time of year for many decades. As a kid I loved the presents and Santa, but it was all too much noise and light for me. The kind of celebrations we hold at Yule/Christmas feel more like something that should be done in the spring at Beltaine or at Summer Solstice when the sun’s energy is high and the focus is on light and colors. Hmmmm..

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