
Since I’m at the center of multiple marginalized identities, I often think a lot about the how I will be perceived in spaces. Is only one part of my self invited? Like blackness is welcomed, but not my queer identity. I often experience breaking myself into pieces in order to feel comfortable accepting the invitation. After the invitation, the second thing I think about is have the people done the work to make me feel welcomed and seen, and not just like someone is ticking a diversity box for the space or event. This is something to always consider as we have multifaith congregations and services!

Consider the ways in which your multiple identities intersect and change the ways you are perceived.

2 thoughts on “Identities”

  1. I love these daily mails – every day they touch me. It seems like they used to have an author listed. And recently those author names have gone away. Sure would appreciate their return

    1. Alexa-
      If the author is outside of CLF, we always list the author. Otherwise, Daily Compass postings are a collaborative effort by the CLF staff as edited by me. We’re so glad you love getting these.
      Michael (Rev. Michael Tino)

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