Perfect Offering

As children, each of my siblings and I were given a small allowance. From it, we were expected to bring a quarter for the offering plate at church each week. I understood it as way to build a habit and expectation to give of myself during the worship service. No matter who was in attendance, when the offering plate came to our row, each person participated in giving. To a casual onlooker it may not have seemed like much of a sacrifice, but to me, it meant not being able to buy 5 pieces of bubble gum that week after school. It may not have been a perfect offering, but it was what I could do at the time and it did make a difference. -Lori Stone (CLF)

Listen to music that affirms all of who you are today.

“Forget your perfect offering
Ring the bells that you can ring
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in”
-adapted from Leonard Cohen, sung by Lisa G. Littlebird (listen here