Tired Bones

“Although exhausted, I slowly recalled a truth that has helped me to carry on: As I trudged alone through the night hallways, I staggered to a call as old as humankind. That night and every night, mothers and fathers around the world awaken to reassure restless children. That night and every night, grown children arise to calm fitful, aging parents. Those night hours are long and lonely. Our burdens and tired bones are ours alone to bear. There are, however, other people out there who are waking even as we are. There are other people who bear similar burdens—whether it is simply to reassure a child for one night, or to help a dying loved one be at peace, week after week, until the end.

“We who rise do so because we choose to do it. It is an intense, physical demand; it is also an honor as ancient as human love. We are part of the circle of families and friends who nurture Life, from its earthly beginning until its earthly conclusion.” -Jane E. Mauldin

How have you chosen to be part of the circle of people who nurture life, even if it exhausts you?

One thought on “Tired Bones”

  1. Thank you for continuously providing us with inspiration and helpful suggestions!
    I’m the caregiver of my aging husband; although I do not recalling making a deliberate choice to do it. It was unexpected, but only because I never thought about the future, so I did not prepare for it. I’m not sure whether it’d be easier if I had chosen it deliberately.

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