Small Town

I grew up in a small town that consisted of mostly families and the breadwinners either commuted elsewhere for work or worked in some capacity supporting our community.  I’d say the common goal for the majority of my town’s residents was to create and maintain a place that was safe and conducive to the enrichment of the children. As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize more and more the importance of community. -David Johnson (CLF)

How has community been important to you?

Crecí en un pequeño pueblo conformado principalmente por familias y el sostén de la familia viajaba a otro lugar para trabajar o trabajaba de alguna manera apoyando a nuestra comunidad. Diría que el objetivo en común para la mayoría de los residentes de mi pueblo, era crear y mantener un lugar que fuera seguro y propicio para el enriquecimiento de los niños. A medida que fui creciendo, me di cuenta cada vez más de la importancia de la comunidad. -David Johnson (CLF)

¿Cómo ha sido importante la comunidad para ti?

One thought on “Small Town”

  1. My church family has been my “community” when I attended the brick and mortar variety. I had only 1 sister and she lived 700 miles away. I lived in a rural area far from a city or town. The church fulfilled my needs.

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