
I hate naps. I always wake up feeling awful. My mouth is dry, my body feels achy, and I somehow feel more tired than when I went to sleep. But, I rest in other ways. I rest by recharging with loved ones. I rest by watching my favorite TV show. I rest by closing my work laptop and being “done for the day.”
-Tanner Linden (CLF)

How do you rest? How do you recharge?

One thought on “Recharging”

  1. Ever since I had shingles, I nap…but I get up at 5 or 5:30 AM even though retired, and take a nap of about 45 minutes to an hour every afternoon and then can attack the rest of the day. I feel refreshed when I awake. Without the nap, I am fading away by 7:30 PM. My dog loves to nap with me. My husband has learned to nap also so it is a family affair.

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