
Rest is many things, only some of them “logical.” As someone who lived mostly in my head for much of my life, I had a hard time grasping the rationale of rest; there was always so much to do, and life was so short! I wanted to pack all I could into every moment. Rest seemed wasteful to me.

Then my bodymind made me slow down. First, trauma made itself known, and said, “You must deal with me.” My heart hurt, my mind was sluggish, and my whole being demanded rest. I craved quiet and outside time. I learned to listen to the birds and bugs again, like I had when I was little. Then, disability emerged from my genetic makeup. Bed and chair and pillow became my best friends. Tea time in the backyard replaced endless errands. Left with no alternative, I let go of what was unnecessary – and what was left was the joy of rest.
-Steven Leigh Williams (CLF)

Listen to your body today and give it healing rest.