Body Liberation

I am fat. This adjective is not an insult, nor does it come with any moral judgment attached to it. It is simply a description of my body. Doctors are routinely amazed when tests they run show that my heart, liver, and blood sugar are all healthy. And yet, at this time of year especially, I am bombarded with messages meant to shame my body. This year, I will try to push back with love for my physical being in all of its abundance. -Rev. Dr. Michael Tino (CLF)

What is something you love about your body?


2 thoughts on “Body Liberation”

  1. I love and appreciate how my brain/mind is able to generate the stamina and patience I need to deal with all the people that help me keep my body healthy.

  2. I threw my scale away some 20 years ago. I’m fat. I have noticed the shift with doctors not fixating on my weight in the past 10 years or so. They have quit telling me to lose weight.

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