Rejecting Sin

I don’t believe in sin. I believe that each and every person has the ability to make mistakes and not be condemned for them. While anything in excess can be detrimental to our spiritual, mental, or physical health, to carry the label of ‘sin’ attached shame and guilt that is counter to all of our values as Unitarian Universalist. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

How can you reject shame and guilt?

One thought on “Rejecting Sin”

  1. I reject shame and guilt by taking on the practice that it is never okay to blame, shame or attack others, self included, and by accepting that I am indeed forgiven, loved and free, and believing that this freedom is inviolable, inclusive of me.

    (Perhaps it may be more constructive for us as Unitarian Universalists to consider that “all alike are oppressed while all alike are oppressors. It is therefore our responsibility as individuals to take responsibility for oppression wherever it exists, and to do the work of repair”.

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