Paying Attention

“We are called to pay attention to the society in which we live. We are called to understand the ways in which the lives of people we don’t know, and never will know, are made harder by political and economic policies that value some kinds of people over other kinds of people. In paying attention to our society, we give thanks for the many people who are working for justice for everyone, and we join in working with them so that all people are treated with the dignity and worth they possess.” -Amanda Udis-Kessler, from “We Are Called to Pay Attention”

What are you paying attention to today?

One thought on “Paying Attention”

  1. I am paying attention to the women and girls who are having their rights taken away from them; their autonomy in body, mind, politics, education, spirit, self-support, economic strength, and so many other ways. Women were not included in our constitution as well as black men and men without property. Time has passed and we have begun to see the unbalance as well as the inhumanity. We answer, work to bring our country into balance only to have the progress we have made taken away. We need to work together with the strongest force empowering us, Love. So we Side With Love. For all.

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