In the Garden

“I was nine or ten when my mother gave me permission to plant and tend my first garden. I was given a rectangular patch of ground out behind the garage, and in it I planted my two favorite vegetables—corn and peas. That gardening project (and subsequent gardens too) provided as much of a miracle as I had ever experienced, or would experience until the birth of my children years later. You plant seeds in the dirt. Through the summer you make sure that they have plenty of water and  that they aren’t choked out by too many weeds. You watch the seeds sprout into little plants that grow and grow. And then you witness the very beginning formation of the fruit. In time, spikes on the corn plant develop into the fullness of ears, and the little pods on the sprawling vines swell as a row of peas takes full shape inside them. And when the time is right…you get to eat them! It’s truly astonishing for a nine-year-old—or for someone of any age.” -Charles Blustein Ortman

What miracles have you witnessed in a garden?


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