Rewriting Messages

What are the messages you internalized growing up about rest? Did anyone around you take the time to nap? Was there a stigma around rest and the idea that we need to constantly produce? You are invited to reexamine notions of rest and the stigma that may or may not surround it. Humans are not meant to produce all the time, whether we are talking about production of goods, services or even ideas. We are biologically, emotionally and spiritually wired for rest.
-Aisha Hauser (CLF)

Take the time to rest your body, soul and spirit.


Today’s Kwanzaa principle is Ujima, or collective work and responsibility: To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers’ and sisters’ problems our problems and to solve them together.

How can you create a cooperative community today?


Photo Credit: The Black Hour (available through Creative Commons license)

The second day of Kwanzaa celebrates self-determination, or kujichagulia. We work together as a community to allow each person the opportunity to name themself, to claim their identity, and to set their own pathways.

How have you claimed your right to self-determination? How do you make space for others to do that?

Building History

Kwanzaa is a modern holiday celebrated by many African-Americans. It was created to celebrate African heritage, African-American history, and seven communal principles important to the liberation of African-American people. It is a way to honor history and build for a better future.

How do you honor your peoples’ history? What are the principles you embrace that will lead us to liberation?