
“I wish you rest today. I wish you a deep knowing that exhaustion is not a normal way of living. You are enough. You can rest. You must resist anything that doesn’t center your divinity as a human being. You are worthy of care.”
-Tricia Hersey, from the introduction to Rest Is Resitance

How do you know yourself as worthy today?


The holiday of Chanukah celebrates a miracle in ancient times, when oil sufficient only for one night burned for eight, and allowed the re-consecration of the Temple to be completed. This ritual was vital to the survival of the religion of Judaism.

What would a miracle allow modern society to accomplish?


Today is the first day of Chanukah, when Jewish people all around the world will begin lighting their chanukiahs (special menorahs for this holiday) at sunset. Families will gather around menorahs set in windows for this ancient ritual that lasts eight nights.

How have you gathered to honor the past?


When I was little, I remember learning about the practice of la siesta in Spain and I was astonished. Even as a kid, I wondered how many adults actually took their mid afternoon break and if they were as happy about their break time as I was about recess at school.
-Lecretia Williams (CLF)

How would our institutions be changed if we centered rest?


“Stillness is our primal becoming: how we
live up to ourselves. Makes the most; shapes action.
A beating heart rests every chance it gets.”
-Atena Danner, from her poem “Divine Right to Rest,” in Incantations for Rest

Find some time to be still today.