Accountability and Acceptance

As those of us in relationship with Judaism mark the High Holy Days,
our hearts fill with hope and fear, turning and settling,
mystery and agency, accountability and acceptance.
-from “Call to Gather for the High Holy Days (Days of Awe),” by Leah Ongiri

To what do you hold yourself accountable?


My young adult daughter was visiting for a couple of weeks. She loves our dog. She would be mid sentence, or mid task, and catch a glimpse of our dog, and she would stop and smile and say “look how cute”. I might have walked by several times and not have noticed, but she would take the time to notice, and to experience joy. I was completely in awe of how present and joyful she was. -Jody Malloy (CLF)

How can you be present to joy today?

The Book of Life

“The Book of Life is open before us. It tells stories of sadness and happiness, despair and hope, stagnation and change, and a peaceful stillness that transcends both. May you be written in the Book of Life. May you write your own name there, in shining ink stirred together from the tears of the past and the sweet flower essence of the hoped-for future. May you know who you have been and who you are and bless your future self with loving, brave intention. L’shanah tovah—to a good new year.” -Amy Zucker Morgenstern

How have you found awe in stories of change?

Days of Awe

“The Days of Awe begin with us tonight.
May the next ten days be days of reflection, introspection, and peace.
May we prepare ourselves for the changes in the year to come.” -Debra Haffner

Spend some time introspection about the past year.

Risking Heartache

We all have an innate desire to be loved, but that moment of realizing that love is a mutual experience can be one of awe. The surprise, the joy, and the care are special moments that make love real and worth risking heartache over and over again. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

When have you found awe in a relationship?