
One of the reasons I love teaching and interacting with students, especially the small ones, are the moments of awe that happen on a daily basis. There is an incredible energy that erupts when a being is learning and growing, and you can witness it in front of you.  When a person has a moment of awe as their world expands, it is profound for all who witness this. This sense of wonder, combined with a supportive community is how we actually make the world a better place. -Lecretia Williams (CLF)

Think about a time that you witnessed a moment of awe in the life of a learner.


“Whenever you find tears in your eyes, especially unexpected tears, it is well to pay the closest attention. They are not only telling you something about the secret of who you are, but more often than not, God is speaking to you through them of the mystery of where you have come from and is summoning you to where, if your soul is to be saved, you should go next.” -Frederick Buechner

When have you faced unexpected tears with attention and holiness?

Delightful Reverence

When I was 8 or 9 years old, I used to write short stories. I imagined a collection of stories called, “The Adventures of Judy.” However, as a kid, I thought the sound of cooing parents (“Ahhhhh…”) was spelled “Awe.”  When Judy’s baby brother took his first steps, the family exclaimed, “Awe…!”  When Judy made a batch of chocolate chip cookies, her parents expressed “awe.” As I look back at those old stories, perhaps I was making an important typo. Awwwwwwe! -Beth Murray (CLF)

How would your family and friend dynamics change if daily joys were noticed with delightful reverence?


When I write the word awesome, I always want to accentuate the letters “awe.” When I experience something as ‘awesome,’ what I am feeling first and foremost is the awe and wonder of whatever I am engaging with. When I hear a song that touches my heart and reminds me of a powerful memory, it is a moment full of awe and wonder at going back in time in a visceral way. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)

What is AWEsome to you?


For I am a creature of the Universe, small but infinite
A momentary body in the sea of life, and also the sea itself
I am a gathered bit of energy, and one who gathers
A creation and a creator
Let me not hold too tightly to one form and lose the other
-from “Imperfectly Divine,” by Alex Klingenberg (https://www.uua.org/worship/words/prayer/imperfectly-divine)

How do you simultaneously pay attention to things both large and small today?