Healing Music

Hippocrates, a Greek physician from 400 BC, was one of the first to use music to help heal his patients.  It has been said that Hippocrates prescribed a session of harp playing to relieve depression.  Feeling anxious?  Try a drumming session!
-Beth Murray (CLF)

When has music made a powerful impact on you?

Different Paths

You cannot make somebody else heal, or do the healing work for them. It is hard to watch people we love struggle, but it is important to remember that there is no timeline, no deadline, and healing is different for everybody.
-Marin Smith (CLF)

How do you make space for others to heal?

Time to Heal

Healing always takes time – whether it’s a cut or a scratch or a relationship that needs attention and listening and understanding.  We must be patient and do the work required to allow for healing.
-Judy DiCristofaro (CLF)