Our Own Suffering

The first noble truth of Buddhism is that suffering is part of human existence.  Physical suffering, mental suffering, spiritual suffering.  We all ache in some way.  And we need to recognize that ache and tend to it.

How can you acknowledge your own suffering without being overwhelmed by it?

Cracked Vessels

We  all have flaws.  We have shadows.  Even the best among us has imperfections that come right along with our best qualities. We react, we overreact, we ignore. I lose my temper and patience—sometimes just when anger and impatience are needed, and sometimes at the most inopportune times.  And that’s just one on the very long list of the things that are wrong with me. We are all cracked vessels. The treasure of our being is stored in earthen jars. And since all of us are imperfect, we have to be gentle with ourselves. -Rev. Michael Tino (CLF)

How can you be gentle with yourself today?

Problems and Pain

“Welcome, you who come in need of healing, you who are confused, or have been betrayed. Welcome, with your problems and your pain.” -Maureen Killoran

How have you shown compassion to someone experiencing problems and pain?


For a very long time, I did not feel like the words I used to describe my identity had integrity with who I really was. It turned out that I needed to learn new words, and then I needed to give myself permission to describe myself in new ways.
-Michael Tino (CLF)

What are the words you use to describe your identity with integrity?