Cherishing Differences

Cindy Fesgen invites us to light our chalices “cherishing our differences and holding each other in sacredness.” So much of friendship is cherishing what makes us different from each other, and still finding the sacred things that connect us.

How do you cherish differences?


“To the blessings of warm, accepting human relationship,
may our hearts be open
and our minds take heed,
for in a lonely and sometimes frightening world,
friendship is often the support that upholds us.” -Ken Sawyer

How have friends supported you through difficult times?

A Reason, A Season

I recently read a poem about friends being with us for a reason, a season, or, if we are very lucky, for a lifetime. I used to think if I didn’t hold on to my friends past the reason or season, I must be fundamentally flawed, but I am learning that it’s okay to mourn, honor, and lovingly let go of what has gone before without holding shame around it. -Lori Stone (CLF)

Read Brian A. “Drew” Chalker’s “A Reason, a Season, a Lifetime

How do you honor the end of a meaningful friendship?


The Christian season of Lent is a season for spiritual preparation. Of making room for the holy, of centering ourselves to be able to receive something sacred into our lives.

How do you prepare your spirit to receive something sacred?