Father’s Day

Fathers DayHappy Father’s Day! Washington, Adams and Jefferson are considered fathers of the United States of America. Einstein is considered the father of modern physics. Fathers create and shepherd and promote a wide variety of things in addition to children.

What are you (regardless of your gender) the father of?


PricklyThistles protect themselves with an array of spiny thorns, and there are few animals that would dare to try to eat a thistle. But many birds find thistle seed irresistible, and an opened thistle flower is well worth the prickling on the toes.

What have you braved for the chance to be part of something creative and/or delicious?

King of Corners

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA “Here. Where I am anonymous and alone in a white room with no history and no parading. So I can make something unknown in the shape of this room. Where I am King of Corners. ”
― Michael Ondaatje

How have you re-made yourself during a time of emptiness?


DCF 1.0What is the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool? Surely not which one is preferred furniture for a toad. No, a mushroom is a fungus we like, and a toadstool is one we don’t. A fungus knows that they are the same thing, a way of casting spores to the wind.

What toadstool in your life could you re-define as a mushroom?