“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
What is the best mistake you’ve made recently?
Across the centuries the struggle for women’s rights has included fighting for women’s right to property, to education, to control of their bodies and reproduction, to inclusion in the political process, to the understanding that women’s insights and relationships are as valid and important as those of men.
What work do you see that remains to be done to achieve equality for women?
We tend to think of finding our way in life as tension-filled, a precarious path that we tread with caution and difficulty. But when our lives are truly in balance then we can relax into a sense of rightness and contentment, appreciating the place where we are right now.
What part of your life feels the most balanced and relaxed?
We humans dream of flying, of soaring like hawks on outstretched arms. But mostly we hop, rather than soar. We launch ourselves up, and promptly come back to earth. Perhaps these tiny moments of flight are just as glorious as the unattainable soaring, if only for the fact that we can actually make them happen.
What small victory will you celebrate today?