Here’s a possibility. Maybe the day, your surroundings, the light and the air are simply glorious. And maybe you, yourself, are simply the most glorious thing in the whole fabulous situation. It just could be.
What in your life is glorious?
Whether the big bounce on the trampoline is exhilarating or scary depends on whether you are prepared or startled to find yourself suddenly aloft. Of course, life rarely gives us adequate warning before bouncing us into a new place. Which leaves us with the difficult task of trying to find the fun when we are already mid-air.
What helps you to roll with it when life flips your expectations?
From the vantage of a bird in flight, everything looks very different than it does here on the ground. Each individual person and tree and building looks smaller, and you lose a lot of the details that you can see head on. But from above it is also easier to see patterns, how the pieces relate to each other, how everything connects.
What do you do to get a bird’s eye view on complex problems?
Everyone makes a fuss over the butterfly and the miracle of transformation. The moment when a new butterfly takes its wings is breathtaking. But inside the chrysalis is where the miracle takes place, sheltered there in the dark, away from all eyes.
Where do you find space that allows you transform in your own way and time?