It Still Works

Sure, there are fancier, faster machines out there, but this aged tractor can still get the job done. While it’s easy to love smart phones and wi-fi and all the latest gadgets, much of the fertility of our lives comes from wisdom handed down to us from people who managed without the benefit of our contemporary marvels.

What bit of wisdom do you cherish from a person who lived in an earlier age?

Picking Up Trash

Wouldn’t it be great if each of our lives came equipped with a truck with a giant suction hose to suck up the garbage that collects around us and ship it out of town? Resentments—slurp! Fretting over things we can’t change—slurp!  Petty frustrations—slurp! And off they would go, leaving clean streets for us to drive down.

What would you like this spiritual garbage truck to vacuum up and take away from your life?


A neighbor is just a random person who lives near you, someone who gets their mail  at about the same time you do. It’s the most arbitrary connection in the world. And yet Jesus put “love your neighbor as yourself” at the heart of his description of religious life. The person we are called to love is anyone we come in contact with whether we have reason to like them or not.

Who have you treated with love recently, simply because they were there?

Missed the Train

There’s nothing quite like the sinking feeling of realizing that the train is leaving the station just as you have arrived, that you have missed what you wanted by mere seconds. In that moment it’s natural to kick yourself for all the ways that you could have done something different to get there just a bit sooner. However, you could just as well turn toward someone near you on the platform and commiserate with them, gaining company as you wait.

How have you recently turned around an unpleasant situation?