
Each time fireworks go off they leave behind a puff of smoke, which only gradually fades away on the wind, remaining much longer than the flash of colored light. So with our words, which remain in the minds of those who hear us well after the sound is gone.

How will you choose the shape and color of your words today so that you are pleased with the trail they leave behind?

Get a Grip

Some situations make it very difficult to hold on. We might feel like we’re clinging to the icy side of a mountain as we deal with unemployment, illness, divorce, parenting issues, or any of countless other seemingly insurmountable problems.  Yet, one way or another, however slippery the slope, we manage to keep moving on our journeys.

What tools help you to hold on when the going get s rough?

Conga Line

There are all kinds of solidarity: people join together in protest, in work, in response to crisis, and we pull together to make a difference. But it wouldn’t hurt to join up with others just for a little frivolous fun, either.

Who will you invite to join you in a bit of unjustified frivolity?