The Long and Winding Road

You do not know where this path will take you. You do not know how far the road will go, or what obstacles you may meet along the way. There is always a bend ahead around which you cannot see. So perhaps there is no spot on the journey more beautiful than where you are right now.

What do you admire about the view from this point in your life

More Mountains

Somehow, when we have overcome an obstacle or worked through a difficult problem, it feels as if we should arrive at the “land of milk and honey,” a place of rest and ease. But there will always be other obstacles, other mountains to climb, other problems that press forward.

How do you find ways to rest and renew yourself, even in the midst of the journey?

Yom Kippur

Today, Yom Kippur, Jews around the world will ask in worship for forgiveness—not for theological sins such as disbelief, but for ways in which each person and the community as a whole have failed to hold to the highest ethical standards of honesty and compassion.

What would it look like to atone for the ways in which you have failed to live up to your best self?