
So often apologies from politicians or corporate spokespeople only add insult to the original injury. “I regret that I misspoke.” “I’m sorry that my words were misunderstood.” But a genuine, heartfelt apology, which names the offense clearly and offers restitution, can bring about true healing.

How has an apology—yours or another person’s—made a difference in your life?”

Ganesh Charturthi

Today Hindus celebrate Ganesh Charthurthi, the birthday of the elephant-headed god Ganesh. One of the traditional prayers to Ganesh translates to: “O Lord Ganesha who has a large body, curved trunk and brightness of a million suns, please remove all obstacles in my work always.”

What particular obstacles would you ask Lord Ganesha to remove from your path

Rosh Hashana

L’shana tova! Today is Rosh Hashana, the first day of the new year in the Jewish calendar. It marks the beginning of ten Days of Turning, during which Jews are expected to examine their lives and make amends for any damaged relationships.

Who might you apologize to, what relationship might you mend in the course of these ten days?