True Friends

Friendship is one of the most important things in life and also one of the hardest things to explain.  It’s not something that can be taught. We all need it.  We all value it.  We all need someone in the world who loves us and values us like a true friend does. -Judy DiCristofaro (CLF)

Do something to show another person you value them.

Joy in Friendship

Cheerful young friends laughing and giving high five outdoors

We dedicate ourselves to the children. We dedicate ourselves to the good of the earth, from which the trees come and to which we all return. We seek to move and to make friends. We seek creativity. May our lives be blessed by the joy of play and the connections of friends.
-Adapted from words written to dedicate a playground by Jonalu Johnstone

Find something that brings you the unbridled joy of children on a playground today.

Friend to the Trees

As our Jewish siblings celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the “new year of the trees,” let us ponder with them our connection to all beings. Each of our actions ripples outwards through the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

How can you be a friend to the trees today?


“In this time of endings and beginnings, may we find ways to bring more love and joy into the world. May we rest in the complexity of the world and find comfort in the mystery. May our lives be filled with gratitude and grace. And may we know that none of it has to be done alone.”-Alex Haider-Winnett

How can you rest in the complexity of the world today?