Inside Ourselves

The path to liberation starts by knowing oneself and being clear about what it means to show up in the world as a thriving human being. The more we show the world who we are, what we believe, how we love, we become disentangled with the false promise that there is something out there in the world we have to be in order to have value. We learn that all we need is inside ourselves. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

How can you show up as a thriving human being today?



 “When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclude me, I shall draw a larger circle to include them. Where they speak out for the privileges of a puny group, I shall shout for the rights of all mankind.” ―The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, lawyer, civil rights activist, and the first African-American woman* ordained an Episcopal priest.

(*Many wonder, given Dr. Murray’s writings about gender identity if Dr. Murray would identify as transgender or gender non-binary today.)

How can you speak up for the rights of others today?

Photo of Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray from the University of North Carolina library.


Small Things

Liberation feels like a giant concept, hard to define, and hard to visualize sometimes. It’s easier for me to think about small things that make me feel free – being with friends who make me feel like myself, meeting new people who share my values, learning new truths that shift my worldview for the better – and imagining how those instances can be transferred to the macro scale. -Marin Smith (CLF)

What is a small thing you can do today to make the world better?