“Eventually, my eyes focused on a singular fish ‘stuck’ below a rock wall just below a deeper pool. As I watched her swim without getting anywhere, I found myself wanting to help. I imagined scooping her up and assisting her over the rock wall. Pretty soon, others in my hiking group started saying the same thing I was thinking! We all wanted to help.
“But we didn’t. It’s against the law to disturb the kokanee during this precious time in their life cycle. More importantly, we decided that we could trust that this incredible creature had everything in her that she needed to engage the work that was hers to do.
“This idea—that we all already have everything we need within us to meet the life that is before us—is…a reminder to connect to our Wholeness. It’s an invitation to put away the lie we have swallowed… that we are separate from God…..” -DanaLee Simon, from the reflection “The Work That’s Ours to Do”
What reminds you to connect to your wholeness?