Worshipping Love

“The beloved community names the matrix within which life is celebrated, love is worshipped, and partial victories over injustice lay the groundwork for further acts of criticism and courageous defiance.” -Sharon Welch

Celebrate life and worship love today.

Recognition Without Privilege

“If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice, have recognition for difference without attaching privilege to difference.” — bell hooks

How have you witnessed differences being recognized without being privileged?


“Do not fear agitation, for agitation is the rhythm of life itself; to be put into motion, to be stirred. Do not fear the movements that decenter what you always thought permanent. You carry within the center of your understanding, the compass to show you the way.” -Tania Márquez

How have you been taught to deal with agitation? How might you come to a healthier relationship with it?

Fitting More People

“It’s so [easy] to see the one disabled person and say, She needs a cure so she can fit into our world! It’s much less common, much harder to recognize, We need to change our world to fit more people.” -Rebekah Taussig

How might you change your small part of the world in order to fit more people? How do you need the world changed in order for you to fit?