
“In India recently someone asked my spiritual teacher a question: ‘What is the worst karma a person can undergo here on earth? What is the greatest difficulty? The harshest circumstances?’ I was astonished by my teacher’s reply. He answered (and I paraphrase), ‘The worst karma is to be ungrateful. If you suffer from ingratitude then it won’t matter what blessings and goodness are in your life, you won’t be capable of receiving it. In contrast, if you are grateful, then even in the most challenging of circumstances, you will be able to recognize the many gifts that you are receiving.'” -Barbara Merritt

When have you been able to feel gratitude in the midst of challenging circumstances?



I have a relationship with the bees who live or visit my garden. I plant flowers to provide nectar throughout the season, and in return they pollinate my fruits and vegetables. I avoid using pesticides around my house, and in return the bees bring their friends and family. We are connected through reciprocity and interdependence. -Michael Tino (CLF)

What non-human beings do you have a relationship with?


Generosity unmasks the many kinds of abundance in our midst. While many of us do not have an abundance of material possessions, we are asked to give from what abundance we have. Perhaps you have an abundance of love, or compassion, or kindness. Perhaps you have an abundance of time, or listening, or passion to create justice.

What kinds of abundance are present in your life?

Gratitude and Reciprocity

“Gratitude and reciprocity are the currency of a gift economy, and they have the remarkable property of multiplying with every exchange, their energy concentrating as they pass from hand to hand, a truly renewable resource. I accept the gift from the bush and then spread that gift with a dish of berries to my neighbor, who makes a pie to share with his friend, who feels so wealthy in food and friendship that he volunteers at the food pantry. You know how it goes.” -Robin Wall Kimmerer, from her article “The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance,” in Emergence Magazine

How might you pass along the gift of gratitude today?

Embodying Generosity

Generosity is something we can embody anytime. The spirit of generosity is not limited to material or financial ways of sharing. It is also in how we show up and offer grace, love and care to others in our everyday lives. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)

How do you embody generosity?